Saturday, February 6, 2010

My body is killing me!

Gosh! This is the worst flu that I have before!
It's 1 a.m. and I cannot go to sleep, thanks and no thanks to the 'damn stupid' flu okay!
My nose is just like a running tap that is flowing non-stop, tell me how to sleep in this condition?
Maybe I should thank God, because I can actually use this time to study for my 'Progress Test' right?
Yeah, my brain cannot even funtion properly, how to focus on my revision right now?

Speaking of the worst thing, today I had around 9 hours of lectures, can you imagine how I managed my day trying to focus every seconds?
Feeling feverish and having flu the whole damn day okay!
Alot of effort is needed to stay focus during lectures, especially when I'm sick.

Hey Yong Yun Ming, I would like to wish you all the best in your upcoming undertakings yeah!
I will call you Dr. Yong when I see you next.
Take care in Australia yeah!

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