Huh, what are all those pictures above related to?? N.S. = Nasional Service, that is what I'm talking about.......
N.S. ?? oh no, I was so afraid when I was chosen for so-called N.S.
Trying to recall and finally I remembered that during the first day in N.S. was terrible. Reach there around 12pm, time for lunch time and I went to the canteen to eat, the food there was just fine. After eating, I went to the hall for some talk about the life in N.S. Ok, I was send to the so-called Alpha team and placed in dormitory 1.
During the first few days in N.S., was like Oh My God, because it was really freaking boring, really really boring!!!!!! Sleep, eat, sleep,eat...until I met quite a number of best friends in my dormitory, things really changed 360 degrees, that is of course my best friends and soulmates Joyous, Hui En and my shuai ge(handsome) Zi Hui. haha.......love them to the maximum. We will be best friends for life!!!!!!
After nearly a week, we wake up early in morning, early as at 5.00am, crazy mend!!!!! Waking up early in the morning during the first week was really annoying, frustrating, and of course tired!!!!!! We woke at 5.00am, but our roll-call is on 6.30am, that's another crazy thing right?? waking up so early to get ready for roll-call, who needs an hour plus to get ready?? My best friends and I only need 10 minutes to get ready, so we decided to wake at 5.40am the following day although the trainers ask us to wake up at 5.00am. At 6.30am everyday, we will usually get ready for our morning exercise, such as doing warming up for the whole day, jogging around the palm oil estate, and of course marching that we will never miss for at least twice a week in the morning. At 7.30am, we will go for our breakfast, and after that we will change into our class uniform to get ready to go to class.
At 8.30am, we will usually go for our class, that is also the so-called Character Building and Kenegaraan classes. Oh My God again(sorry for using God's name again), classes were really really freaking boring!!!!! Say thank you to Jen-Jen(beautiful girl with a lot of fans in the camp) my character building, kenegaraan classmate and dormitory mate, she really keeps me awake all the times. We really talk a lot, as u can't imagine how much!!!!!! At 10.30am, there will be morning tea break, and we will go to the canteen or maybe just hang out at the hut outside our classroom.
As for lunch break that will be at 12.30pm, we will go to the canteen for lunch or sometimes I will go back to the dormitory to sleep, because I'm too exhausted by noon. Joyous, Zi Hui, Hui En and me will always head back to the dormitory to take a nap for at least an hour. After that, we will get ready again with our uniform as in (half loreng or even full loreng) to go for our physical activities.
Physical activities will start at 2.30pm, just imagine how hot is it to stand under the sun at that time!!!! Physical activities will either be marching, flying fox, or even water confident....haha.....
There's once we went for camping as a module of the physical activities. Camping in the surrounding of the camp, funny right?? And we tracked into the palm oil estate (so-called jungle)...haha....oh ya, food is also provided for us during camping...haha....
4.30pm is time for tea break and we need to line up for roll-call again at 5.30pm for our sports time. We usually jog around the camp. At a time, there's tournament for sports among the companies in the camp, and guess what?? Alpha is the overall champion for the sports module...haha.....
At 6.30pm, we head back to the dormitory to bath and then go for our dinner. After dinner, we will stay back in the dormitory until 8.30pm and then we will head back to the hall again for the talk about the following day activities. Roll-call again at 10.45pm, and after that lights off at 11.30pm, that the scheldule for the whole 3 months mend!!!!!!
At some times, during the nights we have our religion talks, but most of the times, the speaker did not show up and we start to talk among our friends, and that's how we make so many friends in the camp. Other than that, twice a month, my family will visit me and they brought me wonders, because my mum brought me delicious-marvellous food for me and my best friends, my sisters and dad brought me joyful times.
3 months as stated in the letter of N.S., but only 2 months plus and I have finished the programme of N.S. During the last day of N.S., we have a day call the last night, we cried like crazy, because we can't imagine that we are actually leaving this place and continue with our separate life. I will miss my friends and of course my best friends!!!! As for that night, I can't stop crying, because I know that days will not be the same again without them.
For the last three months, I did not actually learn that much, but I have try to change myself to be a more open-minded person, as in more daring to speak up about my opinions. Other than that, I have 5 new best friends, that is Joyous, Zi Hui, Hui En, Aaron and Benjamin. I really appreciate them a lot, they means a lot to me. They helped me a lot when I'm in trouble. Love them to the Maximum!!!!!!! Muaxxxxx......
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