Wednesday, September 23, 2009


Will be away for the weekend, so I will not be uploading my blog until next week.
If I have internet access and provided that I'm free, then I will be uploading the most happening event that is going to happen this weekend!
I'm so excited and I do feel happy for my brother!
Congratulations yeah!
Wish that Calvin and Angela will live Happily Ever After, just like the fairy tales ending.

Wondered why every fairy tales ending are so perfect, I just love it so much, can we humans have this type of perfect ending?
I always believe that we, as humans can create our own happy ending!
Fate and Miracles do play a big part!
OMG! What am I crapping here again! *faint*
Beware Calvin bro.! I want big Red Packet, if not, you will not get a chance to get in the house!

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