Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Love, lust or just a crush?

These are what I have found and I do think they are really true based on my view.
I can't believe they are so true, as in 100% true!

Crush is that teeny-bopper you get that probably comes from a more physical than emotional place. It can turn into love or fade away. Sometimes a mild crush turns almost obsessive with what's called "intrusive thinking", a toxic feeling of longing where you Facebook stalk him as if he were the oxygen you need to breathe.

Lust is the simplest to identify. It's purely based on physical attraction. You're not fussed by his awful dress sense coz all you want to do is rip his clothes off. What's wrong with you? Blame it on the overproduction of the sex hormones, testosterone and oestrogen.

Love is when you're past the crush and lust stage. You like him even after he has done something annoying, you imagine a future with him and you feel loyal to him. Chemicals involved with this feeling are oxytocin and vasopressin. According to researches at University of California, oxytocin is associated wtih the ability to maintain healthy psychological boundaries with others. Vasopressin, on the other hand, is a hormone that promotes feelings of bonding and connection, which is a possible explanation of why lusty love fades as attachment grows within a couple.

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